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Business courtesies and inducements may seem appropriate, but they are not.

Treefrog does not seek to gain any advantage through the improper use of business courtesies or other inducements. Receiving any form of bribe, kickback, or under the table payment is prohibited.

A gift, favour, or entertainment may be accepted only if:

  • It is a common courtesy usually associated with customary business practices in the industry
  • It is not excessive in value and cannot be construed as a bride or payoff
  • It is not a contravention of applicable laws or ethical standards
  • It will not embarrass the company or the Frogs if publicly disclosed

It is never acceptable to accept a gift in cash or cheque equivalent.

Frogs should disclose and report to the CEO any business courtesies or inducements that they are receiving even if these courtesies or inducements fall under the criteria above.