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Communication, information tools, and resources are provided to allow you to be the most efficient and productive in your position. As systems become more sophisticated and available, it is important that we clarify their appropriate usage.

Communication devices, including telephones, voicemail, courier services, facsimiles (fax), personal iPad/laptop, computer networks, online services, email, computer files, cameras, video equipment, smartphones, and all software, are available to Frogs based on job requirements. All these devices and the communication delivered and/or files created with them, are not private and are the sole property of the company. By using these devices, you are consenting and acknowledging that the company may access and monitor the communication and/or information delivered, including personal messages and documents. You are also required to provide to the company, upon request, any passwords and/or codes. Frogs are not to utilize other Frogs’ passwords/codes or lend their communication device without explicit authorization.

All affairs of the company and the professional relationship between the company and its clients are strictly confidential. All client information obtained must be held confidential.

Harassment and Discrimination

In conjunction with our Harassment and Discrimination policies, our communication systems shall not be used in an inappropriate manner. This includes using the system in a way that may be disruptive, offensive to others, harmful to morale, obscene, any behaviour that would be considered discrimination and/or harassment of any kind, and making any statements that would be deemed harmful to the company. Communication that is considered offensive includes: sexual implications, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, any communication that offensively addresses someone’s age, race, colour, marital status, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin or disability.


You may not duplicate or download any software or materials that are copyrighted, patented, trademarked or otherwise identified as intellectual property that has not been approved and legally purchased by the company. This includes but is not limited to: games, pornography, chain letters, jokes, solicitations, movies, music, torrents, or files of any kind. Use of any peer to peer networks is strictly prohibited. Downloading and peer to peer networks opens your computer and subsequently the Treefrog network to outside threats such as viruses and data theft.

Communication & Entertainment Devices

Ontario’s ban on hand-held devices while driving took effect on October 26, 2009. The law makes it illegal for drivers to talk, text, type, dial, or email using hand-held smartphones, any other hand-held communication, and entertainment devices.

Using a hands-free device is permitted as long as the device is placed securely in or mounted to the motor vehicle so it does not move while the vehicle is in motion. This allows the driver to see the hands-free device at a quick glance and allows the driver to easily reach it without adjusting his or her driving position.

Frogs are not expected to answer or receive calls while driving. However, all calls and messages must continue to be retrieved in a timely manner by safely parking the vehicle.

Since driving requires an individual’s full attention, hands-free use of wireless devices must be kept to a minimum to avoid any distractions. Frogs are prohibited to use their communication tool in adverse weather conditions unless absolutely necessary and upon parking the vehicle if possible.

This policy applies to all Frogs during working hours. It also applies to Frogs who have company-provided phones (are smartphones provided or do Frogs use their own device?) and use them while driving after regular working hours. Treefrog is not responsible for any fines incurred by employees.

Solicitations, Collections & Distribution of Literature

Treefrog Inc. is committed to ensuring a productive and harmonious work environment that is free of solicitation. Persons not employed by Treefrog may not solicit or distribute literature at the workplace at any time for any purpose.