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Recommendations and References

(aka “Recommendation Letters”, or “LinkedIn Recommendations”, or “Job References”)

We do not give people recommendations to ensure we do not get sued.

Recommendations lead to potential liability through the future employer. Therefore, only Treefrog’s CEO or HR professionals should give written recommendations.

Only designated frogs (currently, only the CEO) will be permitted to provide an employment reference for a former or current frog. Requests from prospective employers will be responded to by “confirming only” information that you have given (ie. salary, period of employment and job responsibilities). Treefrog does not authorize anyone else to speak on our behalf. All requests for providing references should be directed to the CEO.

Employment Verification

We can supply a letter of verification on request, verifying your employment at Treefrog. This can take an indefinite amount of time (if you left your job here, you can assume we are still working after you leave). Consider writing out the recommendation as you believe it could/should be written and providing that as a template to the recommender.


  1. Even if you casually mention that “Bob” was “great” while he worked at Treefrog, as an employee and thus representative of Treefrog, the future employer could claim that you misrepresented the employee and sue you for fraud.